MAGASENG is one of nature's greatest gifts. It is a special preparation of
standardized extract of Korean ginseng root with natural vitamin E. MAGASENG is
used as an adaptogen, prophylactic and restorative agent for enhancement of mental
and physical capacities, tiredness. loss of vonccntration, during vonvalescence.
MAGASENG promotes vital energy. MAGASENG capsule relaxes the blood vessels
to ensure the continuous flow of blood into the penis without any restriction.
MAGASENG also promote hormonal balance to increase sexual desire, endurance
and performance by increasing serotonin level, stimulate sexual stamina and satisfy
desire. Stimulate sexual signal in the brain by supporting higher level of the key
cholinergic neurotransmitter associated with sexual arousal.
The following benefits are:
Enhance libido
Remove night discharge
Increase sexual desire, endurance
Reduces anxieties before having sex
Enhances sexual energy to the maximum
Indication :
Mental and physical weakness, fatigue, stress, exhaustion, tiredness, lack of
stamina, loss of concentration, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido & infertility.
1-2 Capsule daily or advise by the reg. Physician.
Side effect :
There is no known side effect in therapeutic dosage. Over dosage may causes
nausea, headache, insomnia, hypertension.
Contraindication : There is no known contraindication.
Precaution : Immature should not be allowed to take MAGASENG.
Storage : Store in a cool & dry place, away from light.
Presentation : 15's & 30's Capsules in a plastic container.